Barbara McMurray

My Chiropractic Story:

I’ve had back pain off and on for many years. It became acute about 2 months before I called Dr. Loper. At the time of my first appointment my pain was a constant 10. After the very first treatment my pain quit, and then only returned to a level of 5-7. With repeated treatments I am having longer periods pain free and less severe pain when it does occur. Thank you, Dr. Loper!

Barbara McMurray


A-SUN Chiropractic & Natural Health Center Ltd. ~ Dr. David W. Loper ~ TXDC Lisc#05101
4219 Williams Dr., Georgetown, TX 78628 ~ ph#512-863-A-SUN(2786)

Patient Name : Barbara McMurray Date : 7/15/10

Describe what conditions you had before receiving treatment.
Sever lower back pain preventing me from doing normal everyday activities like housework, gardening and shopping. Also pain in right knee.

Describe the length of these conditions and how they affected your life.
Back pain has persisted off and on for about 2 years. Knee pain began about 6 months ago.

Describe the various attempts of treatment before seeking Chiropractic care.
For back pain I consulted my primary care physician who referred me to a specialist (2 years ago) who then prescribed physical therapy which provided complete relief for about 1 ½ years, but gradually seemed to quit helping.

Describe how you felt about your introduction and treatment here.
I initially found Dr. Loper to be kind and friendly. On my first visit I had amazing relief for a few days.

Describe how your condition responded to treatment, the conditions that have improved, and also any conditions other than what you came here for, that have gotten better.
My back pain is remarkably improved. I have whole days with no pain. On days when my back does hurt, it is not as bad as it was originally. My knee pain may or may not be related to my back pain.

Describe how your improvement through chiropractic care has affected your life.
I no longer dread shopping or light housework. More strenuous activities still result in pain although not as intense as before chiropractic care.